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Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Hi Friends,

I woke up this morning with the familiar signs of unhappy kidneys. The lupus has been especially hard on my kidneys -- attacking them most often. Why can we all just get along? So, I am starting the usual oral antibiotics (Levaquin) today and will hope and pray that they work. Because I have these type of infections so often, I have developed resistance to most of the oral antibiotics. So, often we have to treat the infections with IV antibiotics through my port. Here's hoping we don't have to go there. Bill is at work, but on his way home he'll stop to pick up the Levaquin as well as more Percocet, and for now I'll go on with my day to the best of my abilities.

I've been volunteering at VBS this week, working with the preschoolers on crafts. It's been a fun and rewarding experience for me. Molly and Cameron and Nate are also helping with the preschoolers as crew leaders. And Isaac is doing VBS. Bill is enjoying a well-deserved break for 2 hours every evening when we go. However, he does have to chauffeur us back and forth each evening since my driving privileges have been revoked.

Molly tripped and fell yesterday, spraining her ankle. It's still pretty swollen and sore. She has to use my cane to walk on it. So, she's mostly laying around on the sofa and the boys are waiting on her. Isaac is especially sweet to her! Molly has already decided that being sick is awful -- she's not one who enjoys being still. I know the feeling.

I'm going to sign off and rest a bit before the kids and I meet at chore time (4 p.m.). Bill has promised to be home by 5 p.m. with meds and to make dinner as I'm not feeling well. We have to be to church by 6 p.m. for VBS all week.

We are also excited as we've secured a rental house to move into next month. It's in the right school district for Cam and Molly to continue at Channel Island High School. And the rent is considerably cheaper, it's on one level, and is large enough for our family. So, once again -- we are blessed. We hope to stay there until we have completed building our house on the land.

Much Love,

Friday, July 16, 2010


Hi Friends,

Sorry about my blogging absence. We enjoyed a nice visit from Bill's brother, Ken, and his family. So, I used all of my energy for visiting with the relatives. We spent the 4th of July with them at our house, and on the 5th we took them out to the land. On the 6th, we went to see Toy Story 3 with them, which was a real treat. And on the 7th, they stopped by in the morning to say good-bye. I spent a few days afterwards resting from all of that activity, but it was definitely worth it:-)

I've seen Dr. Cohen twice in the last 2 weeks. It's been 3 months since my last Rituxan (chemo) infusion, and the lupus symptoms are starting to come back. Last week I failed the neurological exam, which meant I lost my driving privileges yet again. My headache is back with a vengeance as well, but for now I am able to handle the pain by taking large doses of Percocet. You know it's bad when your doctor says he's never prescribed that much percocet to anyone else before, but "I'm just glad we found something to help you." At least it's not morphine or dilaudid right now:-) I have an appointment to see Dr Karpouzas at UCLA in the beginning of August -- so we'll see what he thinks. Dr. Cohen and I would like to hold off on the next chemo until it's been at least 6 months if at all possible. I'm thankful that the Rituxan helps with the lupus -- but it's never pleasant to kill your entire immune system. I'm in no hurry to start catching infections, pneumonia, etc. until the chemo is absolutely necessary.

My kids and husband continue to be supportive and loving. I feel very content and loved. And the lazy days of summer are the perfect time for being ill.

Much Love,

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Hi Friends,

Well, this will be short...still feeling headachey and doped up on Percocet. Our big excitement is tomorrow's visit from Ken and Hitomi and the 3 FL Bland boys.(Ken is Bill's brother) I am so glad to have family visiting...it's been TOO long since we last saw them. The kids are looking forward to meeting up with their Florida cousins. And I'm going to take advantage of the visit by making my kids clean their rooms up in preparation.

I just posted pictures from our Father's Day trip to the land on FB. I'll be sure to post a bunch of pictures after Ken and Hitomi's visit, too.

Happy 4th of July and Much Love,

P.S. -- A veteran is someone who at one point in his/her life wrote a blank check payable to the "United States of America" for the amount of "up to and including my life." Special thanks to all the veterans in my life:-) Your sacrifice means everything to me.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Hi Friends!

My headache is getting worse...was trying to not focus on what that means...just got off the phone with Dr. Cohen who suggested we move my Rituxan infusion to this weekend. I told him I want to get in a few more weeks, so back I go on the nasty narcotics...percocet is making it slightly more tolerable. I'm laying down...may not post for a while. If I can stay off the Dilaudid -- it would be a good thing:-)

Much Love,