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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hello, Again:-)

Hi Blog-Reading People--

Not trying to disappear, but I did chemo last Thursday, and I'm still exhausted and pukey. So, it's been taking all my energy to just do what's needed with the kids and homeschooling. Appointment with Doctor Cohen tomorrow. Annie is taking me. Tried driving today, because Bill had a meeting and couldn't pick up Cam from school. So, I did. Told Bill I felt very unsafe, so I have banned from driving again. Oh well, easy come...easy go!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Hi Friends,

My surgery on Monday morning to place the port (which will be used for chemo access) went well. Or so they tell me. I'm not sure that my jugular vein appreciates having a line running through it, or that my chest appreciates the port stitched into it. In other words, I'm still pretty sore. The procedure took most of yesterday morning. Frank and Shirlene took me, and Bill stayed home with the homeschooling kids. I was glad the Dr. Cohen found me the "best doctor" to do the procedure. I had Dr. Lecht who has done multiple procedures on me (spinal taps, brains specs, etc.), and he managed to get into my jugular vein on the second try. Considering that my last PICC placement took 8 attempts, I was happy with 2.

I spent all of yesterday in bed. My neck hurt to move and my chest felt like it was on fire, so I just kept taking pain meds and going to sleep. Today I am feeling better. Still not normal, I take the pain meds, sleep for a while, then have a good hour or two, and then the cycle begins again.

My chemo is scheduled for Thursday, so I sent Bill to work today and will send him tomorrow too. We actually got a fair amount of homeschooling done today, and should be able to tomorrow as well. I purposely planned more independent activities than usual. And also activities for the older kids to help the younger ones with.

Off to bed...more tomorrow...posted pictures of the Port on FB.
Much Love,

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Hi Friends!

This will be short, but I know some of you still follow this instead of FB. Shirlene is coming today and will take me to Los Robles Hospital for the port surgery tomorrow morning. We have to be there at 7:45 for pre-op, surgery itself is at 9 a.m. and should take about an hour. Then they'll watch me for an hour and if all goes well I will be going home around 11 a.m.

Bill cancelled his work travel for the week. He found a nice (and qualified) co-worker/friend who was willing to do it for him after hearing my sob-story. They're at work right now passing on the details. I'm glad that Bill will be here, as I'm supposed to do chemo ASAP after having the port put in. We have decided that Shirlene will still take me to the hospital, though. Then Bill can work from home and watch the kids.

Other than that...life goes on. I'm feeling anxious about the week ahead...had to take some Xanax to calm my nerves. Will be glad when it's all over.

Now...off to take a bath and do a few things before Bill gets back from work, and sends me back to bed:-)

More tomorrow...good news, I hope...
Much Love,

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Hi Friends!

Had a pretty normal day today -- still not feeling well. I managed my home-schooling, because let's face it, when you're the Mom -- you have to "suck it up, buttercup!" Among other things, we watched the movie Heidi today. My kids had never seen it, and it's such a classic.

We were done with school by 2:30 and I sent the boys off to the park to burn off some energy before I had to leave for the doctor. That way I figured they wouldn't be too hyper for Cam and Molly. Anyway at 4:00 Cam and Bill came home. The big kids babysat the little kids, and Bill and I headed off to Thousand Oaks for my appointment with Dr. Cohen.

So, Dr. Cohen and I agree. I'm still in a lupus flare and the CellCept is not cutting it. It was a worthwhile experiment, but unfortunately, I will need more invasive treatment. So, today I went and got some lab work done. On Monday, I will have a port put in at Los Robles Hospital for wasier access since we'll be doing chemo again. I will be starting back on Rituxan as soon as possible after the port is put in.

The timing is not good, but then it never is. Bill will be gone all next week to Washington D.C. for work. But I will give it to God and trust Him to meet my needs with the people and resources necessary for my most recent medical adventure.

More tomorrow...
Much Love,

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Hi Friends!

I'm getting ready for bed and thought I'd check in first. Still not feeling well. I'm not a big fan of CellCept...I'm currently on the highest dosage, and I still have all my lupus symptoms (in fact, they seem worse) plus I'm very pukey:-( Not fun!!!

Today I took the homeschoolers on a field trip to the library and we stocked up on reading materials for the next few weeks. We also studied honey bees for science class, using a cool DVD and some other study materials we got at the library. Again, these activities would be much more fun without the dry heaves!

Bill took Cameron to school and picked him up, as the library trip pretty much took up all my energy. I napped this afternoon some more and then made dinner for my kids and Matt and Amber before Bill took them all (except Cam) to Youth Group at church. I worked with Cameron on some make-up work that he had for History class, and I'm pleased to say we finished the essay on the atomic bombs dropped on Japan during World War II.

I'm going to lay down and read for a while, as my tummy is lurching and I don't think I could sleep with it going on. I see Dr. Cohen tomorrow, so hopefully, he'll have some answers for me.

More tomorrow...
Much Love,

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Hi Friends!

I just wanted to assure you that I'm still alive -- although how well I'm doing may be the question?! It's been a busy week. After the week in Las Vegas, the kids were on Spring Break, and my parents spent the next week here in California. They stayed through Easter.

This week we are all struggling to get back into the swing of the things -- school and work, that is. My health continues to be a challenge -- CellCept is really not working for me -- I feel sicker than ever. So, I imagine that I'll be doing Rituxan or some other type of chemo soon. I'll let you know when I know.

Until then, I'll try to blog more reglularly again!

Much Love,